TecAp represents the interests of low-income farmers
A significant part of TecAp’s work is advocating on behalf of low-income farmers, cooperatives, and local governments in order to ensure that they are receiving fair treatment in terms of renewable energy investments.
TecAp assures that low-income farmers are administered a proper needs assessment to determine their electrical needs and the correct size solar system to be installed. This ensures that they are not “upsold” by a sales representative but rather are sold exactly what they need and want. TecAp also ensures that the installations are high quality and that the family receives proper follow-up to address any maintenance issues.
Cooperatives and local governments often have to negotiate contract terms on behalf of their members and constituents, and TecAp is able to help analyze the terms in order to ensure that the pricing is fair, the materials are high-quality, the installation schedule is as efficient as possible, and that proper maintenance will be available as needed.
After several months of needs assessments and contract negotiations, in October 2011, 19 residents of a small community in northern Nicaragua, El Jícaro, received solar rooftop systems for their homes, providing them with electricity in their homes for the first time in their lives. IDEAS is also assisting 119 small coffee farmers from a large network of cooperatives (PRODECOOP) who have requested and been approved for loans for solar energy.