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Training on Microfranchising

IDEAS helps your organization learn how to do microfranchising

IDEAS is a 35 year old international development organization that has worked for decades in women’s enterprise development. It also has evaluated over 100 women’s programs in Latin America, Africa, Asia and North America.

It has found a critical problem with the lack of growth on low-income women’s enterprises. Just a small percentage of women grow their microenterprises to become small enterprises and an even smaller percentage make the transition from small to medium size enterprises. IDEAS views microfranchising as a possible solution to more rapidly replicate and grow women’s businesses. The replication numbers in Asia are particularly impressive.

Started in Asia and later in Africa, microfranchising has had success with helping poor women get into new businesses quickly. It has not really spread to Latin America. IDEAS has been encouraging the growth in Central America through training and technical assistance. It decided another example was needed in the region so, even though IDEAS did not have many funds for a start-up, it decided to become the microfranchisor to pilot the first microfranchise in Nicaragua, TecAp.

IDEAS’ brochure concisely explains the concept, advantages and how IDEAS can help you start.

To download the IDEAS microfranchising brochure in English, click here.

To download the IDEAS microfranchising brochure in Spanish, click here.

Trainings offered to organizations that want to understand how microfranchising can more rapidly expand the number of women’s microfranchises and help them grow

IDEAS has trained organizations in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and people from many countries in a REDCAMIF Conference in Costa Rica in microfranchise development.

IDEAS did two presentations after being invited by the Salvadoran governmental agency CONAMYPE, the National Commission  of Micro and Small Enterprises.

For more information, visit

Types of training and technical assistance services on microfranchising that IDEAS offers to potential microfranchisors as well as microfranchisees

If your organization or corporation is interested in potentially being a microfranchisor in a developing country, please contact IDEAS.

To download a list of sample topics of the training by IDEAS for potential microfranchisors, click here.

If you have a microfranchise and need assistance with increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of microfranchisees, also please contact IDEAS.

Academic courses on microfranchising taught by IDEAS

IDEAS is one of the few organizations providing academic training on microfranchising. This education is based on years of study of different microfranchises on three continents.

It has offered graduate school courses at American University (UAM) in Managua, Nicaragua as part of its Masters in Microfinance. Dr. Garber taught a graduate course at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. He also offered a seminar at Pfeiffer University in Charlotte, North Carolina.

If you are interested in learning more about academic courses on microfranchising, contact IDEAS.